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Amber javascript SDK


Boon Amber Javascript SDK

An SDK for Boon Amber sensor analytics


The Boon Amber Javascript SDK is a nodejs project but is not yet published.

npm install amber-javascript-sdk

Credentials setup

Note: An account in the Boon Amber cloud must be obtained from Boon Logic to use the Amber SDK.

The username and password should be placed in a file named ~/.Amber.license whose contents are the following:

    "default": {
        "username": "AMBER-ACCOUNT-USERNAME",
        "password": "AMBER-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD",
        "server": ""

The ~/.Amber.license file will be consulted by the Amber SDK to find and authenticate your account credentials with the Amber server. Credentials may optionally be provided instead via the environment variables AMBER_USERNAME and AMBER_PASSWORD and AMBER_SERVER

Amber configuration can be specified through the environment if a license file is not present OR if certain settings need to be overridden.

AMBER_LICENSE_FILE: sets license_file path
AMBER_LICENSE_ID: sets license_id to use in amber license file
AMBER_USERNAME: overrides the username as found in .Amber.license file
AMBER_PASSWORD: overrides the password as found in .Amber.license file
AMBER_SERVER: overrides the server as found in .Amber.license file
AMBER_OAUTH_SERVER: overrides the oauth server as found in .Amber.license file
AMBER_SSL_CERT: path to ssl client cert file (.pem)
AMBER_SSL_VERIFY: A boolean value indicating whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate
AMBER_PROXY: Send requests through this proxy

Internal Developers Notes

Connectivity test

The following javascript provides a basic proof-of-connectivity:


const {AmberClient,AmberHttpException,AmberUserException} = require('amber-javascript-sdk')

async function version() {
    let amberInstance = AmberClient()
    try {
        const data = await amberInstance.getVersion()
        console.log(`getVersionResponse: ${JSON.stringify(data,null,4)}`)
    catch(error) {
        if ( === "AmberHttpException") {
            console.log(`${error.method} ${error.url}: status=${error.status}`)
        } else {


Running the connect-example.js script should yield output like the following:

% node connect-example.js 
getVersionResponse: {
    "release": "0.0.408",
    "apiVersion": "/v1",
    "builder": "005cbc71",
    "expertApi": "109a9be8",
    "expertCommon": "b1aea20e",
    "nanoSecure": "eefb97f1",
    "swaggerUi": "914af396"

Full Example

The following javascript will demonstrate each API call in the Amber Javascript SDK.


const {AmberClient,AmberHttpException,AmberUserException} = require('amber-javascript-sdk')

async function walkthrough() {
    try {
        let amberInstance = AmberClient()

        const listSensorsResponse = await amberInstance.listSensors()
        console.log(`listSensorsResponse: ${JSON.stringify(listSensorsResponse,null,4)}`)

        const createSensorResponse = await amberInstance.createSensor("Sensor-1-4002")
        console.log(`createSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(createSensorResponse,null,4)}`)
        const mySensor = createSensorResponse.sensorId

        const updateLabelResponse = await amberInstance.updateLabel(mySensor, "newLabel")
        console.log(`updateLabelResponse: ${JSON.stringify(updateLabelResponse,null,4)}`)

        const getSensorResponse = await amberInstance.getSensor(mySensor)
        console.log(`getSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(getSensorResponse,null,4)}`)

        const configureSensorResponse = await amberInstance.configureSensor(mySensor, 1, 25)
        console.log(`configureSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(configureSensorResponse,null,4)}`)

        const getConfigResponse = await amberInstance.getConfig(mySensor)
        console.log(`getConfigResponse: ${JSON.stringify(getConfigResponse,null,4)}`)

        const streamSensorResponse = await amberInstance.streamSensor(mySensor, "0.05,1.0,2.5,0.9")
        console.log(`streamSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(streamSensorResponse,null,4)}`)

        const getStatusResponse = await amberInstance.getStatus(mySensor)
        console.log(`getStatusResponse = ${JSON.stringify(getStatusResponse,null,4)}`)

        const deleteSensorResponse = await amberInstance.deleteSensor(mySensor)
        console.log(`deleteSensorResponse = ${JSON.stringify(deleteSensorResponse,null,4)}`)
    catch(error) {
        if ( === "AmberHttpException") {
            console.log(`${error.method} ${error.url}: status=${error.status}`)
        } else {


Sample CSV file processor

The following will process a file named data.csv residing in the examples directory of this javascript. Each row will be fed to an Amber instance with SI analytics being displayed.


const fs = require('fs')
const {AmberClient,AmberHttpException,AmberUserException} = require('amber-javascript-sdk')

// create amber instance

async function streaming() {
    try {
        let amberInstance = new AmberClient()

        let createSensorResponse = await amberInstance.createSensor("sensor-1-999")
        console.log(`createSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(createSensorResponse,null,4)}`)
        const mySensor = createSensorResponse.sensorId

        const configureSensorResponse = await amberInstance.configureSensor(mySensor, 1, 25)
        console.log(`configureSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(configureSensorResponse,null,4)}`)

        const filedata = fs.readFileSync('data.csv', 'UTF-8')

        // split the contents by new line
        const lines = filedata.split(/\r?\n/)

        for (let line of lines) {
            let streamSensorResponse = await amberInstance.streamSensor(mySensor, line)
            console.log(`streamSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(streamSensorResponse,null,4)}`)
    catch(error) {
        if ( === "AmberHttpException") {
            console.log(`${error.method} ${error.url}: status=${error.status}`)
        } else {


Sample Pretraining

The following will process a file named pretrain.csv residing in the examples directory of this javascript. The entire dataset will be pretrained.


const fs = require('fs')
const {AmberClient,AmberHttpException,AmberUserException} = require('amber-javascript-sdk')

// pretraining example

async function pretraining() {
    try {
        let amberInstance = AmberClient()

        let createSensorResponse = await amberInstance.createSensor("sensor-1-999")
        console.log(`createSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(createSensorResponse,null,4)}`)
        const mySensor = createSensorResponse.sensorId

        const configureSensorResponse = await amberInstance.configureSensor(mySensor, 1, 25)
        console.log(`configureSensorResponse: ${JSON.stringify(configureSensorResponse,null,4)}`)

        // read the entire data set
        let filedata = fs.readFileSync('pretrain.csv', 'UTF-8')

        // clean cr/nl
        filedata = filedata.replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, "")

        // begin pretraining with autotuneConfig enabled
        let pretrainResponse = await amberInstance.pretrainSensor(mySensor, filedata, true)
        console.log(`pretrainResponse: ${JSON.stringify(pretrainResponse,null,4)}`)
        let state = pretrainResponse.state
        while (state == "Pretraining") {
            await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000));
            let pretrainStateResponse = await amberInstance.getPretrainState(mySensor)
            state = pretrainStateResponse.state
            console.log(`pretrainStateResponse: ${JSON.stringify(pretrainStateResponse,null,4)}`)
    catch(error) {
        if ( === "AmberHttpException") {
            console.log(`${error.method} ${error.url}: status=${error.status}`)
        } else {
