Module post_pretrain_request

Amber API Server

Boon Logic Amber API server

OpenAPI spec version: 2.0.0

Generated by:


class PostPretrainRequest (data=None, format='csv')

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

PostPretrainRequest - a model defined in Swagger

Instance variables

var data

Gets the data of this PostPretrainRequest.

Data in one of two formats: 1) A flat list of comma-separated values. 2) The string that results from flattening the dataset, packing the values into a byte buffer as float32s (little-endian), and base-64 encoding the buffer. Datasets which are too large to send in one request may be sent in multiple chunks using the header parameters for chunked uploads (txnId and chunkspec). The total number of data values sent for pretraining must be a multiple of the number of features in the configuration.

:return: The data of this PostPretrainRequest. :rtype: str

var format

Gets the format of this PostPretrainRequest.

Format specifier for data.

:return: The format of this PostPretrainRequest. :rtype: str


def to_dict(self)

Returns the model properties as a dict

def to_str(self)

Returns the string representation of the model