Module feature_config

Amber API Server

Boon Logic Amber API server

OpenAPI spec version: 2.0.0

Generated by:


class FeatureConfig (name=None, min_val=None, max_val=None, weight=None, fusion_rule='submit', fusion_ttl=None)

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

FeatureConfig - a model defined in Swagger


Instance variables

var fusion_rule

Gets the fusion_rule of this FeatureConfig.

Inference policy for the fusion vector when using PUT /data. If submit, any PUT /data request that updates this feature will cause the fusion vector to be submitted for inference. If nosubmit, updates to this feature will not trigger a fusion vector inference.

:return: The fusion_rule of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: str

var fusion_ttl

Gets the fusion_ttl of this FeatureConfig.

Number of seconds without an update before this feature's value is considered invalid.

:return: The fusion_ttl of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: int

var max_val

Gets the max_val of this FeatureConfig.

Maximum expected value for this feature. maxVal can be left unset if it is not known at configuration time. In that case, data collected during the Buffering stage will be used to infer an optimal value during the Autotuning stage and it will be set to the autotuned value at the start of Learning.

:return: The max_val of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: float

var min_val

Gets the min_val of this FeatureConfig.

Minimum expected value for this feature. minVal can be left unset if it is not known at configuration time. In that case, data collected during the Buffering stage will be used to infer an optimal minVal during the Autotuning stage and it will be set to the autotuned value at the start of Learning.

:return: The min_val of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: float

var name

Gets the name of this FeatureConfig.

Name for this feature. Must be unique with respect to other features in the configuration. Regex: ^[A-Za-z0-9.:_-]{1,1024}$.

:return: The name of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: str

var weight

Gets the weight of this FeatureConfig.

Weight of this feature relative to others, as an integer between 1 and 1000.

:return: The weight of this FeatureConfig. :rtype: int


def to_dict(self)

Returns the model properties as a dict

def to_str(self)

Returns the string representation of the model